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Friday, December 24, 2010

The teacher picks on me

I often wonder if people should think about this one a bit more and come to the conclusion that in most cases, this is a good thing. Think about this one. Firstly, is your behaviour reflecting that of a good student? Do you, perhaps, talk a little too much, write a little too little, look around vacantly often? Don't say "Everyne else does", because we are looking at you.

Most teachers want the best for their students, whether you like that teacher or not. They stay in their job hoping to be able to influence one or two people in a positive manner along the way so they become successful in the future. Teachers may annoy you but most of what they do is driven by outside influences. The content of classroom lessons is prescribed by State or other central bodies, so what they teach you is usually not of their choosing. They are just trying to lead you through it as best as they can. Their interactions with you is also governed by School Boards, parent groups, lobby groups, and Government legislation. Often they have a dress code just as the student body does. Often they do not like aspects of the dress code too. As you can imagine often the poor teacher is retricted and feels confined and frustrated by over regulation just like you do.

So, look at it a different way if a teacher says something to you and don't put yourself into a basket of talkers or non-homework doers or others like that just so you feel better because you have an excuse. Maybe the teacher  has your needs at heart and wants you to do well and just wants to remind you what you should be doing. If you get annoyed at that, of course they get annoyed too. Wouldn't you get a bit annoyed if you thought you were trying to help someone and they said something smart or angry back at you? You should actually, usually, be pleased because they may be more interested in your success than some others. They want you to be on task for success and try to keep you on track. Maybe they can see a lot more potential in your ability than you are showing. Your welfare and success is often at the top of their consideration. The more you work with them the easier school gets and the more likely you are to reach your success goals. Try it.

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