School may not be what you want to be doing. Suffer! It is just part of the system. It is very often the key to future possibilities of career, study and success. If you are clever, the world needs you. If the academic part of school is easy, make it harder by setting challenges. The world need you. Many potential inventors of medicine, machinery, structures, science and creators of art in all its forms are lost because of brilliant minds losing their gloss in a school delivery mechanism choked with the mundane, the unnecessary and the bland.
It is the blandness of the system that creates non-creative activities, producing by conformance, a choking of the flow of creative juices in students. Schools will say they do creative writing and all manner of cultural pursuits, designed to promote creative thought but this is all formulaic. Creativity activities need to be set to boundaries that do not limit the mind in its exploration. At school we are all marked "A" or "C" or "very good" or "needs improvement". It's all a mish mash of a marking system. Would Leodardo da Vinci's teacher mark his science as "will not fly, man was not meant to fly - D"? Limiting creativity is one of education's biggest blunders.
"Creative writing", as a subject has myriad rules to define it and what it should consist of and end up looking like. Often teachers turn out creative clones of themselves. Creative? "Art is creative" I hear you say. Well, it should be. But again the rules offer too much definition for students to let their minds wander to the infinite edges. Too little time and too little co-ordinated effort across the curriculum makes sure we are not developing this most important compartment in our brain. Leonardo explored art, science, mathematics, philosophy, logic. Freely swapping one to another. He is recognised regularly in our texts as having had one of the greatest minds.
What can you do? Keep your mind polished. You may have to find ways to create scenarios that constantly challenge. Draw. Paint. Play an instrument. Dance. Create. Write. Stir the depths of your mind. Let it flow to the outer reaches of the universe and the inner secrets of your thoughts. Then look to the academics. If the content of mathematics classes is too slow, too easy then go to a library at the local College and ask to join. Sit there and read books that show you what is coming up next. Then determine to get there by yourself. Go to the College to get the feel and atmosphere. If not, ask your school library to get you some texts on loan.
Take a slow pace and look ahead of where you are. Not necessarily mathematics. For any subject you can see where the class is going and find something that takes you past it. Choose one of your favourite subjects and see where it fits into the world process. However small a step you make here, you will be advantaging the world. See if your desires lie in cultural, scientific, literature, or other but find something to be passionate about and get started. If you are only reasonably able, then your influence on the world can be great. Good luck!
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